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Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2016

How to Flash Asus Zenfone Selfie [ZD551KL]

Here's the Flashing Procedures of  ASUS Zenfone Selfie [ZD551KL].You need this tutorial if you have experienced software problems in your Asus Zenfone Selfie like Hang In Logo,Freezes and Force Close..

Now, Just follow the tutorial step by step, hope you success.

1. Power off your device first. And make sure batteray power's 50%.
2. Push on "Volume up button" + "Power Button". Hold until "Fastboot Mode" appear.
3. Open Asus Flash Tool v1.0.0.17.

4. Plug your device to computer use data cable.
5. Click on Serial number on screen. then choose Model "ZD551KL". On "Wipe Data" choose "Yes" and browse the firmware.
6. Click "Start" to start the flashing. Wait until process done.
7. If you see ERROR On Asus Flash Tool like on the video,just leave it. you have succeeded in flash.
8. And finally, congratulations.

For more Tutorial you can see on the video :

Links for Download :

Asus Flash Tool v1.0.0.17

ZD551KL Firmware :

Part 1 ; Part 2 ; Part 3 ; Part 4 ; Part 5 ; Part 6 ; Part 7 ; Part 8  

Extract all files into one file using "HJSplit.exe"

15 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. gan ane udah pke flashtool diatas..
      tapi tidak terditeksi di asf gan??

  2. Help me why unzip file cant flash image flash on my flashtool how can i fix this after joined the 8files

  3. sorry gan nanya aja nih :
    7. If you see ERROR On Asus Flash Tool like on the video,just leave it. you have succeeded in flash.

    gimana mau sukses kalo error gitu ??

    udah berkali" saya ulang ttp aja gitu , tolong gan sarannya , thx

  4. itu kan di video gagal kok bisa sukses flash nya ?

  5. asus saya selalu mengulang2 di logo asus, saya coba dengan cara web ini, berhasil di keterangan "asus flash tool" tapi tetap saja mengulang2 di logo asus, ketika merestart, bkn langsung hidup seperti terlihat di video.

  6. firmware ny yg work part brp gan??

    1. trus utk model seri Z00UD sma ga dgb seri ZD551KL??
      mohon pencerahannya... tks

  7. Hjsplitnya gk bisa di download gan?

  8. om, itu firwarenya per part kan 200mb an..itu di gabungn atau pilih salah satu aja untuk load flash nya, bukaya firmwareny aukuranya 1,8gban
